I am Andrew Buzby, a film and computer science student based out of New York City half the year and Syracuse, NY the other half. A digital artist who specializes in visual effects, motion graphics and 3D art.

For my VFX and motion graphics work, I primarily use After Effects. I also have experience in node based editing platforms such as Nuke and Fusion. For all of my 3D work I use Blender. I am fluent in multiple coding languages including Javascript, C++, Haskell and Racket and have experience in graphics programming with OpenGL.

Some of my recent VFX work includes Friends of Sophia; a sci-fi queer historical film about human and android relationships set in a dystopian future. I worked directly with the creator of the film, Alden Peters, on multiple aspects of the futuristic world including 2D glitch effects as well as 3D environments. The film premiered in March at BFI Flare, Europe's largest LGBTQIA+ film festival, and will be available to stream soon.

The Artists Room Demo is a previsualization of a studio space turned into an artistic experience users can be a part of. In the project, I imagine what a space could look like using participant's data about muscial interests, artistic movements and current mood to create an immersive experience that evolves with each individual participant.

My digital art series include Tao Study 1, Tao Study 2 and a third titled Advent Calendar. All three feature stills made in After Effects using a variety of tools and techniques.

I have also done VFX work for Sirens (TBA), Abyss (2023), Final Cut (2023), and others. The VFX I have done for all of the short films I've worked on is highlighted in my VFX reel. I am always working on new projects and I update this site frequently.

Contact me at andrewbuzby7@gmail.com or (908)-800-4735 for inquiries and commissions.

Website by Peter Ganunis (IG @peterganunis)